Glenn Medeiros - Love Always Finds a Reason

Created at 2024-01-07 11:22:39 
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Sometimes I think of me and you
And every now and then I think we'll never make it through
We go through some crazy times
And there are times I wonder if I'll keep loving you
But I always do

Seems that love always finds a reason
To keep me here believin'
When I feel our love is slipping away
Seems that love always finds a reason
To make me stay
And even through the darkest night
The feeling survives
Seems that I can just look at you
And I find the reason in your eyes

I know sometimes you wish that you were free
I know sometimes you wonder what you're doing here with me
But something keeps you by my side
Through everything, through all the times we disagree
You keep loving me

Seems that love always finds a reason
To keep me here believin'
When we feel our love is slipping away
And it seems that love always finds a reason
To make me stay
And even through the darkest night
The feeling survives
And you know when you look at me
You'll find the reason in my eyes

Whoa-oo-ooh-ooo, oh

Love always finds a reason
To keep us here believin'
When we feel our love is slipping away
Aren't you glad that
Love always finds a reason
To make us stay
And even through the darkest night
The feeling survives, oh

Love always finds a reason
To keep me here believin'
When I feel our love is slipping away
And it seems that love always finds a reason
To make us stay
And even through the darkest night
The feeling survives
And you know when you look at me
You'll find the reason in my eyes

I find the reason
I find the reason, oh
I found the reason in your eyes

Tags: Glenn Medeiros Love Always Finds a Reason Love Always Finds a Reason Lyrics Love Always Finds a Reason 가사 글렌 메데이로스 팝송 Share on Facebook Share on X

조성모 - 다짐
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