영어 이메일에서 자주 쓰는 제안/거절 표현

Created at 2018-03-07 23:09:00 
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다양한 제안 표현 (~해주시면 좋겠습니다. ~해주셔서 감사해요)

  • Let me know if you are interested.
  • Thank you for submitting a proposal to us.
  • Let me get back to you as soon as possible regarding your proposal.
  • I will review this proposal and get back to you as soon as I can.
  • We will get back to you after careful consideration.
  • We will review your suggestion.
  • We hope you will find our offer attractive.
  • I’m glad to inform you that we are willing to accept your offer.
  • We are willing to meet you and talk about your suggestion.
  • We will receive approval or disapproval by next week.
  • We look forward to a mutually rewarding relationship with you.
  • We are anxious to contact some firms in your city with a view to acting as their sales agents and distributors in Korea.
    (*with a view to ~할 목적으로)
  • We are pleased to provide a new, more competitive price list.
  • We are a customer-oriented organization.
  • We pride ourselves on the quality of the products we produce and feel confident that they will help you to expand your market.
  • We look forward to having a pleasant business relationship with you.
  • We are especially interested in buying XYZ and would like to know if you carry this item.
  • We would be pleased if you would let us have the names and addresses of some reliable importers in Busan.
  • Please call us at your convenience at 333-4444.

다양한 거절 (죄송해요~)

  • Our decision was extremely difficult as there were several high quality proposals to choose from.
  • Our technicians are unable to handle the situation.
  • Unfortunately, we found that we were running out of time to take care of that issue.
  • Although I think it was a superb idea, we decided to do it on our own.
  • We regret to inform you that your proposal does not meet our requirements at this time.
  • We regret to announce that your application was rejected this time.
  • We regrettably must turn it down.
  • We reluctantly have to say no to your offer.
  • We reluctantly decided to outsource that project.
  • We are afraid that this course of action is not possible.
  • We are afraid that our engineers cannot be sent to your factory.
  • We are not able to send our engineer to your factory tonight, but we can fix your system remotely.
  • We don’t have the model 224 in stock, but we can ship model 224-1 immediately.
  • We are not able to hire you at this time, but we will keep your name on file.
  • We will contact you if any specific needs arise in the future.
  • As your company is a reliable dealer, we will recommend it to our marketing department.
  • I’m afraid we can’t send any samples at the moment. Please look at the product details posted on our website.

Tags: 185cm 거절 비즈니스 영어 영어 영어 영어 패턴 Share on Facebook Share on X

영문 이메일 작성시 자주 쓰는 인사/소개/감사 표현
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