공유폴더 찾아주기

Created at 2006-09-29 06:41:09 
306   0   0   0  
Good day.
I need to know how to list shared folders on a computer that I am connected over LAN to, given its IP or machine name.

Thanks ahead.

Accepted Answer from Workshop_Alex
Date: 10/31/2003 03:21AM PST

program GetNetShares;


Windows, SysUtils;

NERR_Success = 0; // Success

PShare_Info_0 = ^TShare_Info_0;
TShare_Info_0 = record
   shi0_netname: PWideChar;
PShare_Info_0_Arr = ^TShare_Info_0_Arr;
TShare_Info_0_Arr = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TShare_Info_0) - 1] of TShare_Info_0;
PShare_Info_1 = ^TShare_Info_1;
TShare_Info_1 = record
   shi1_netname: PWideChar;
   shi1_type: DWORD;
   shi1_remark: PWideChar;
PShare_Info_1_Arr = ^TShare_Info_1_Arr;
TShare_Info_1_Arr = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TShare_Info_1) - 1] of TShare_Info_1;
PShare_Info_2 = ^TShare_Info_2;
TShare_Info_2 = record
   shi2_netname: PWideChar;
   shi2_type: DWORD;
   shi2_remark: PWideChar;
   shi2_permissions: DWORD;
   shi2_max_uses: DWORD;
   shi2_current_uses: DWORD;
   shi2_path: PWideChar;
   shi2_passwd: PWideChar;
PShare_Info_2_Arr = ^TShare_Info_2_Arr;
TShare_Info_2_Arr = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TShare_Info_2) - 1] of TShare_Info_2;
PShare_Info_502 = ^TShare_Info_502;
TShare_Info_502 = record
   shi502_netname: PWideChar;
   shi502_type: DWORD;
   shi502_remark: PWideChar;
   shi502_permissions: DWORD;
   shi502_max_uses: DWORD;
   shi502_current_uses: DWORD;
 &.bsp; shi502_path: PWideChar;
   shi502_passwd: PWideChar;
   shi502_reserved: DWORD;
   shi502_security_descriptor: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;
PShare_Info_1004 = ^TShare_Info_1004;
TShare_Info_1004 = record
   shi1004_remark: PWideChar;
PShare_Info_1006 = ^TShare_Info_1006;
TShare_Info_1006 = record
   shi1006_max_uses: DWORD;
PShare_Info_1501 = ^TShare_Info_1501;
TShare_Info_1501 = record
   shi1501_reserved: DWORD;
   shi1501_security_descriptor: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;

function NetShareEnum(servername: PWideChar; level: DWORD; var buf: Pointer; prefmaxlen: DWORD; var entriesread: DWORD; var totalentries: DWORD; var resume_handle: DWORD): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll';

function NetShareGetInfo(servername: PWideChar; netname: PWideChar; level: DWORD; var buf: Pointer): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll';

function NetApiBufferFree(P: Pointer): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll';

Server: PWideChar;
Buffer, Loop: PShare_Info_0;
Buf502: PShare_Info_502;
NetResult: DWORD;
entriesread: DWORD;
totalentries: DWORD;
resume_handle: DWORD;
I: Integer;
if (ParamCount = 0) then begin
   Server := nil;
else begin
   Server := PWideChar(WideString(ParamStr(1)));
entriesread := 0;
totalentries := 0;
resume_handle := 0;
NetResult := NetShareEnum(Server, 0, Pointer(Buffer), DWORD(-1), entriesread, totalentries, resume_handle);
if (NetResult = NERR_Success) then begin
   Loop := Buffer;
   WriteLn('Entries read: ', entriesread);
   for I := 1 to entriesread do begin
     WriteLn('Name: ', string(Loop.shi0_netname));
       NetResult := NetShareGetInfo(Server, Loop.shi0_netname, 502, Pointer(Buf502));
       if (NetResult = NERR_Success) then begin
         WriteLn('* Net name: ', string(Buf502.shi502_netname));
         WriteLn('* Type: ', Buf502.shi502_type);
         WriteLn('* Remark: ', string(Buf502.shi502_remark));
         WriteLn('* Permissions: ', Buf502.shi502_permissions);
         WriteLn('* Max uses: ', Buf502.shi502_max_uses);
         WriteLn('* Current uses: ', Buf502.shi502_current_uses);
         WriteLn('* Path: ', string(Buf502.shi502_path));
         WriteLn('* Password: ', string(Buf502.shi502_passwd));
         WriteLn('* Reserved: ', Buf502.shi502_reserved);
       else begin
         WriteLn('* Error: ', SysErrorMessage(NetResult));
     except on E: Exception do WriteLn('* Error: ', E.Message);

One single DLL executing what you want. ParamStr(1) should contain the name of the server. Use
GetNetShares <Server>
to execute, replacing <Server> with the server name.

Comment from duke_n
Date: 10/31/2003 08:28AM PST
This is great.
Thanks a lot.

Tags: 공유폴더 윈도우즈 Share on Facebook Share on X

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